The Homeschool Coupe is home and we are very excited. With the neatly labeled boxes, clean parts and body intact, I can’t help but feel as though we are about to embark on an excellent Lego playdate. Since pictures are worth a thousand words –I’ll spare you the reading time…
The Coupe was shipped via Stewart Transport. We were extraordinarily impressed with their level of care and service. This photo was taken from the second story of our home. In the picture the truck is parked at the closest possible location. Scott from Stewart unloaded, brought the parts down our hill and placed them neatly into the garage. Just excellent. |
Tim and Scott from Stewart Transport unload while the girls watch. |
"I can't believe we are actually going to do this."
Scott made the entire delivery experience pleasant and never even blinked at the task of getting the car down the two story steep driveway. Here he stands infront of the body balancing it on the dolly. I stood behind the car balancing the rear. Tim strapped the body to my Explorer and we inched it down slowly. |
Meghan unpacks boxes and removes items for inventory.
Ashleigh checks off parts on the inventory list.
Let the fun begin! |
Oh. Wow. I am SO jealous. Steve's so jealous. We're totally going to have to do something like this when the kids get older. :D